
The Carlock Christian Church is believed to be the second oldest Disciples of Christ Church in Mclean County, finding its beginning on August 13, 1836. Early meetings of the congregation were held out in the open air or in the homes of participating families until 1854, when the first church building was constructed in the community of White Oak Grove, northeast of the present town of Carlock.
When the Lake Erie and Western railroad began extending its tracks from Bloomington to Peoria, people began to move their homes, shops and even the post office to the newly-established town of Carlock. It was then that the congregation voted to move their church to Carlock and a new church building and a parsonage were built on land donated by Benjamin and Mahala Carlock Gaddis. In 1889 Carlock Christian Church was dedicated to service.
Carlock Christian Church flourished in the early 1900’s and soon outgrew the white frame building, and was replaced by the present brick building which was dedicated in 1921. The unusual stained glass windows were designed by Mrs. Elvin Stombaugh of Deer Creek.

A number of changes have been made over the years to the building, including the installation of an elevator servicing all levels. Pews and windows have been restored, air conditioning added, restrooms made accessible, and general renovations made in an effort to make the space more inviting and comfortable. In 2011 our congregation celebrated its 175th anniversary with a weekend of festivities, fellowship, and wonderful music. We continue to celebrate our history as we embrace the future with God’s love and guidance.